FAQs. General Information
Revit files can be viewed and marked up using Autodesk Viewer.
Autodesk provides the free DWG TrueView application or AutoCAD360, which runs in a web browser for desktop or mobile devices. If you need to mark up DWG/DXF files, you can download Autodesk’s Design Review application.
There are many free PDF viewers, including Adobe Reader.
Spectrum Lockers
Do you offer samples/mock-ups for specifying architecture firms?
Yes, we provide a Mini Sample Locker to any specifying architecture firms if required. Send us a message using the Contact us or send us all your information via email to info@spectrumlockers.com
Are the Phenolic Colors the same price or do some have an up-charge?
Usually, Stock colors do not have any up-charges, however, for Non-stock colors, there are up-charges involved.
Let us know the colors you require and we will tell you if there are any up-charges involved.
Can you do custom sizes lockers
Yes, we can provide custom sizes lockers. You need to provide us with a floor plan, elevations, and detailed sections indicating the required sizes and design to better understand your requirements and provide you accurate pricing.
How can I request color samples?
There are 2 ways in requesting color Samples
1. Under Spectrum Home Page there is a tab called “Color Samples” from there you can request color samples. Please click the link below to redirect you to the Color Samples page.
2. Another way is to send an email to info@spectrumlockers.com, provide the color name/s, your company name, shipping address, contact number, and email address. Once processed, an order confirmation will be sent to your email address.
What are your lock options?
We can provide just about any lock that functions with a 1/2″ door thickness across many manufacturers and styles.
There are a wide range of great lock manufacturers we source locks from, so if there is a specific lock model you want to use, we can most likely include them on our lockers. Some of the companies we work with are:
This is not an exhaustive list and if you are a lock manufacture we are always interested in new products we can introduce to our clients!
Lock Types
There are many types of locks targeting different applications and use cases.
Hasp Locks: This is the most common lock type; a metal bar sticking through the door with a hole for a user to put a standard padlock through. They are inexpensive, easy to use and allow for sharing the space between multiple users.

Electronic Keypad: This the second most common lock and is available in two main functions “Shared Use” and “Assigned Use”.
For Shared Use the user places their belongings into the locker, closes the door, and selects a combination of their choice. When they return to the locker they enter the selected code to open the door. Many users can use the same locker throughout the day.
For Assigned Use the code is programmed into the lock for a specific user who would be using the locker on a regular basis. The code can still be changed if the user changes, but it generally requires maintenance staff.

Coin Locks: In this lock type the user needs to insert a coin of specified type into the lock in order to store their belongings. The door will be open when they arrive and inserting the coin allows them to remove a key from the front of the door which they keep with them while the locker is in use. When they with to reopen the lock they use the key, which is then fixed within the lock ready for the next user. These also come in two types “Coin Keep” and “Coin Return”.
For Coin Keep the users’ coin is stored in a lock box that is periodically emptied by maintenance staff.
For Coin Return the user gets their coin back when they return their key to the locker.

Cam Key Lock: A lock that uses a traditional user key to access the locker, generally only suitable for assigned use. While replacement keys are generally available we do not recommend this lock type for children or other users who may misplace keys. Master keys can be used to open lockers in the event that a user key goes missing.

Integrated Mechanical: For this lock type a mechanical locking system is integrated into the door. Generally these locks can be shared across users with code being set when the user stores their belongings.

Can Your Lockers/Benches Be Made ADA Compliant?
Yes, absolutely! See below for our guild on the factors to consider.
Where are ADA lockers required?
The 2010 ADA Standard, states in Section 225.2 that at least 1 of 200 lockers in a facility must but accessible and that in a facility with more space than 201, 10 plus 2% of lockers must be accessible. The code also states that if lockers are in a cluster at least 5% or 1 locker must be accessible.
What are the requirements for ADA?
Accessible means that the space must abide the regulation in section 811 and section 803.2. To ensure locker ADA Compliance the 7 factors below must be taken into account.
1. There must be clear floor and ground space
The clear floor or ground space shall be 30 inches (760 mm) minimum by 48 inches (1220 mm) minimum.
2. There must be enough turning space for wheelchairs and other such devices

3. Doors must not swing into the room unless there is adequate ground space
4. Benches that comply with 903 shall be provided with the room
- In Accordance with section 903, any bench that is not against a wall requires back support
- If a bench is added in front of the lockers it cannot extend out more than 10’’ in order to comply with section 308.3.1

5. There must be adequate reach ranges
- Where a forward reach is unobstructed, the high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low forward reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground.

6. Height ranges must be in accordance with section 308
- Where a forward reach is unobstructed, the high forward reach shall be 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum and the low forward reach shall be 15 inches (380 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground.
7. The hardware/operable part must be compliant with section 309
- Hardware that requires simultaneous hand and finger movement is not recommended as it requires greater dexterity and coordination.
- Handles should be operable with one hand and should not require tight pinching, twisting or more than 5lb of force.
What is the fire rating of Spectrum Lockers?
Class B by default, with Class A options available when specified
Our standard locker body and door materials are all class B fire rate phenolic manufactured by Trespa. Class A lockers are available where specified however it will be 10-15% more and may also extend project lead times.
Where can I find the Maintenance Procedure?
You can find it on this website under the Resources tab or by clicking the link below:
Do the lockers come assembled?
Yes, the lockers come fully assembled in singles.
However, there are a few steps that need to be done onsite.
1) If bases are required they will need to be attached

2) Lockers need to be ganged together with the provided hardware.

3) Lock hardware needs to be added to the doors
How much do your lockers weigh?
Typically 80-110 lbs, but there is a range.
The weight comes down to the size of the unit. Our most common size 12″x15″x72″ in a 2-Tier configuration is 90lbs (most will be in that ballpark).
Our largest standard unit 24″x24″x72″ in a 6-Tier configuration is 240lbs.
For more specific model weights send us and email at info@spectrumlocker.com.
Where is your product being manufactured?
Spectrum Locker.s are being manufactured in Ontario, Canada
Where can I find my local Spectrum Representative?
You can find the lists of your local Spectrum Representatives through our website under CONTACT US or by clicking the link below:
What are your lead times?
It depends on project size and the use of stock or non-stock colors
There are three different project categories in terms of lead time.
- 10 lockers or fewer
- Stock colors
- Standard locker size
2) Standard Lead Time (6-8 weeks)
- Above 10 lockers
- Stock colors
- Standard locker sizes
3) Extended Lead Time (12-14 weeks)
- For non-stock colors
- Or locker designs that are custom
All lead times start after we’ve received purchase order, signed shop drawing, and any applicable deposits
What are the lead times for Trespa
Made to order panels 8-10 weeks. In stock material 1-2 weeks.
Made to order panels 8-10 weeks. In stock material 1-2 weeks.
What is your warranty? Are extended warranties available?
Workmanship Defects two (2) year limited warranty, material integrity including delamanination and warping ten (10) year limited warranty. Extended warranties are available upon request prior to shipment of lockers.
Spectrum® product (“Spectrum”) is warranted to be free from workmanship defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase set out below (“Workmanship Warranty”). The Workmanship Warranty is limited to defects caused by the seller as a result of defective work on the part of the seller which is substandard and does not conform to the specifications provided by the customer to the seller.
TRESPA® warrants its panels in respect of delamination and warping, as specified at www.trespa.info (the “TRESPA Warranty”). The TRESPA Warranty is through the seller for a period of 10 years from the date of purchase. In the event of the presentation of any such conditions during such ten (10) year warranty period, the exclusive remedy and warranty available to the customer shall be as set out in the TRESPA Warranty and the process of exercising the rights under such warranty shall be in accordance with the terms of the TRESPA Warranty found at www.trespa.info (as at the date of purchase). In the event that the customer requests the use of a material in the construction of the Spectrum® product which is not TRESPA® material, the customer shall not receive the benefit of the TRESPA Warranty set out herein which is applicable to TRESPA® material only. Non TRESPA® material may have the benefit of other manufacturer’s warranties which the customer should review and familiarize themselves with independently.
Extended Warranty
We can quote for additional warranty coverage either at the time of a bid or when an order is placed. This needs to be explicitly requested, as our default quote terms are always based on our standard warranty. Original project documents will not be admissible during a period after the warranty expires (i.e. at year 15 after shipment, the original spec will not be honoured in lieu of a extended warranty document from Spectrum®).
This is not our warranty document, if you need to see our full warranty document please reach out to info@spectrumlockers.com
How can I buy Spectrum Lockers?
Through an approved Division 10 distributor
Spectrum Lockers sells through local Division 10 distributors who can provide a quote for both supply and installation of lockers. Distributors can also quote other related products such as toilet partitions and washroom accessories.
Click HERE for a list of Spectrum distributors. If you are a distributor and would like to be added this list please email info@spectrumlocker.com
For a more complete list of distributors in your area, or for project-specific questions we also have A NETWORK OF LOCAL REPS who can make sure you are connected and supplied with all the resources you need.
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